Sermons (Page 14)
August 13th Sunday School Class
Our summer Sunday School series is covering the book of Philippians. This is lesson 13 taught by Mike West.
August 6th Sunday School Class
Our summer Sunday School series is covering the book of Philippians. This is lesson 12 taught by Mike West.
Wednesday Summer Bible Study
This is our summer study through the book “The Hole In Our Holiness.” This is lesson 10 in the series.
July 30th Sunday School Class
Our summer Sunday School series is covering the book of Philippians. This is lesson 11 taught by Jason McQuitty.
Wednesday Summer Bible Study
This is our summer study through the book “The Hole In Our Holiness.” This is lesson 9 in the series.
July 23rd Sunday School Class
Our summer Sunday School series is covering the book of Philippians. This is lesson 10 taught by Jason McQuitty.