Sermons (Page 11)
Wednesday Bible Study
The last 2 weeks of our fall Bible Study series are from the book “How To Pray 15 Minutes A Day” by Steve Pettit. This video covers our discussion of Ask and Yield.
December 3rd Men’s Sunday School Class
This is our Sunday, December 3rd Men’s Sunday School Class. Our guest speaker, Pastor Wayne Johnson, taught a lesson from Genesis called “God’s Men Do God’s Business.”
Wednesday Bible Study
The last 2 weeks of our fall Bible Study series are from the book “How To Pray 15 Minutes A Day” by Steve Pettit. This video covers our discussion of Praise and Repent.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our fall Bible Study series is from the book “Walking in the Spirit” by Steve Pettit. This video covers our discussion of lesson 10.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our fall Bible Study series is from the book “Walking in the Spirit” by Steve Pettit. This video covers our discussion of lesson 9.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our fall Bible Study series is from the book “Walking in the Spirit” by Steve Pettit. This video covers our discussion of lesson 8.