"Sunday Message" Tagged Sermons (Page 14)
May 22nd Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, May 22nd morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series on Psalm 119. This message is titled “Gimel”.
May 15th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, May 15th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series on Psalm 119. This message is titled “Beth”.
May 1st Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, May 1st morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series on Psalm 119. This message is titled “Introduction”.
April 17th Easter Service
This is our Easter Sunday, April 17th service with special music, Scripture Readings, character sketches, and Pastor Mike preaching a message titled “5 Emotions of the Ressurection” from Matthew 28:1-10.
April 10th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, April 10th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Father”.
April 3rd Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, April 3rd morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Finished”.
March 27th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, March 27th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Thirst”.
March 20th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, March 20th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Why”.
March 13th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, March 13th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Behold”.
March 6th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, March 6th morning service. Pastor Nathan Mestler, President of International Baptist College and Seminary, preached a sermon titled “God’s Faithfulness” from Psalm 89.