Sermons by Pastor Mike Bennett (Page 14)
November 14th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, November 14th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “Nineveh’s Destruction” from Nahum 2:1-7.
October 31st Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, October 31st service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “Judgment and Rejoicing” from Nahum 1:12-15.
October 17th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, October 17th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Terror and Target of God’s Judgment” from Nahum 1:2-11.
October 10th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, October 10th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Burden of Nahum” from Nahum 1:1.
October 3rd Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, October 3rd service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Pattern of Sanctification: Affection and Benediction” from II Corinthians 13:12-14.
September 26th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, September 26th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Pattern of Sanctification: Perfection” from II Corinthians 13:11.
September 19th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, September 19th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “Words of Encouragement During Difficult Times”.
September 12th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, September 12th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Pattern of Sanctification: Integrity” from II Corinthians 13:9b-10.
September 5th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, September 5th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Pattern of Sanctification: Obedience” from II Corinthians 13:7-9a.
August 29th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, August 29th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The Pattern of Sanctification: Authenticity” from II Corinthians 13:5-6.