Sermons by Pastor Mike Bennett (Page 13)
March 13th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, March 13th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Behold”.
February 27th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, February 27th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Today”.
February 20th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, February 20th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This message is titled “Forgive”.
February 13th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, February 13th morning service. Pastor Mike is preaching a series titled “The 7 Saying of Christ On The Cross.” This is is the introductory message that sets the foundation for the series.
February 6th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, February 6th communion service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “In Remembrance” from I Corinthians 13:23-26. This service was a special extended communion service as we focused on the different aspects of the Lord’s Table.
January 30th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, January 30th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “The State of the Church” from Isaiah 54:2-3.
January 23rd Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, January 23rd service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “Judgment is Certain- part 2” from Nahum 3:8-19.
January 2nd Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, January 2nd service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “Judgment is Certain- part 1” from Nahum 3:1-7.
December 26th Sunday Service
This is our Sunday, December 26th service. Pastor Mike preached a message titled “Nineveh’s Destruction- part 2” from Nahum 2:8-13.
December 5th Sunday School
This is our Sunday School series on the Book of Job. Pastor Mike is teaching through this poetic narrative on the suffering of a righteous man.